
This is a blog for planetariums and dome theaters, written by planetarians and dome experts from all over our planet. With this forum we want to give the fulldome industry a voice – a forum to share good ideas and experiences between people and venues that are passionate about moving the industry forward. All posts, opinions and comments in this blog are personal and belong to its respective author.

Posts tagged #fulldome industry trends:

Staffan Klashed, CEO at Sciss | 2015-08-14
My 4-year-old son googled for the first time the other week. We were going to Portugal and he was curious to see what it looked like there. He took my smartphone and managed to spell Portugal in the browser window. He was instantly rewarded with a map and nice photos of Praia de Marinha. He was learning, unbound by a particular time or a particular place and trigger by nothing but curiosity.